Pasadena Casting Club

415 S Arroyo Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91105

The Pasadena Casting Club is located in Pasadena’s only dedicated nature preserve, the Lower Arroyo Seco Park. It was founded in 1947 for “a group of fly fishing enthusiasts dedicated to fly fishing, fly casting, fly tying, and all things related to the sport.” The club boasts over 250 members, some of whom have reached international recognition, and has one of only three casting ponds to be found in the state. The Club- house itself is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Sundays, but the facilities are open everyday from 6:00 AM to sundown. The 5,500 square foot garden was established in 1998 and features plants found in the Arroyo Seco. There are several rare Engelmann Oaks, along with western sycamore and live oaks. The stairs that lead from the clubhouse to the casting pool are bordered by large plantings of hummingbird sage, douglas iris and a wildflower meadow. The plants connect the buildings and the infrastructure to the surrounding open parkland. They smooth the transition between the domesticated space surrounding the club and the wilder spaces beyond. The effect is that, despite having a specific purpose, the club is a joy simply to visit, to walk around and to breathe in the scent of dust, sage and oak trees.

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